Gefndene Geats, grave peril anew
Shadow on mirror, spreading the stain
Warned of wights, western in woods
Straightly to horse, the hardy heroes
Riding as rescuers, into night
Fearless in face of festering lich
Smote to Saebeorth steading their way
Tondberht's tidings, thurse-tale arrived
told by Travelling youth, loyal Leofdag
To Tondberhts the Thegn, trusty fighters took
Taloc the sharp tooth, Seafrith the stout
Wystan the warlike and Svipdag the swift
Leofdag their guide, good his guiding
Warning well of wight army marching ahead
Fearsome foes, full score and Thurse
Brave those boys, sword-steel sound
Retreat rejected, stood their ground
Lurked and leapt out, missiles lobbed
Stood out with steel, to finish the job
Leofdag the lad, his Galdor aflame
Cruel his courage, cutting his blade
with Svipdag and Thegn, did Thurse-life abrade
Seafrith and Atheling, Taloc also
Fierce friends to the Ravens, pukelmeat served
But a hand of the wightlings fled into the night
Ere sunrise on unbeaten
Osgarlings shone