Deep snow and wetness all around whiteness muffles all sight and sound though Eotan bring their fatted bulls on meat and mead and more we feed In night’s deep slumber I did dream dark depths of forest, nearby stream a sacred oak of Thunor’s might stands blighted and in need of help Some quest this […]
Archive | Warriors’ Tales
Gromscatha – Herewulf’s Lay
Crossing the Line Dark was the hour news came The rider weary, the horse lame A raging Giant, ranting spite Calls for Humfrith, asserts his right. ** But magic guards our border line He may not cross, must bide his time He shakes the earth with stamping feet Puts […]
The Merleking – Wistan’s Tale
What we did on Aerra Geola days Servant No More ‘Tohrwulf, this isn’t right. I think of you as a comrade; a fellow west Geat and friend. You shouldn’t need to come to me for upkeep.’ ‘None the less, Aetheling, that is how people see us. The west Geat Aetheling arrives with his poorly equipped […]
Blotmonath – Herewulf’s Lay
Blod was a gay festival indeed Our Thegn slaughtered the Ox, and the Valley’s protection was renewed. Fine feasting followed – beer foaming from every horn Red meat served on the bone, and blood-sausage piled high on every platter Two weeks long we feasted. A Sweon scop played music in our […]
Blotmonath – Wistan’s Tale
On the Cold Hillside And I awoke, and found me here, On the cold hill’s side. Hella’s icy tits, but it’s cold at dawn… why am I bare-buttock naked and where the fuck am I? It’s all a blur. Did I actually manage to drink enough to lose my wits? No chance of that; none […]
Hrothgar and the Battle of the Spile
I come from a poor family in the crags of the East Geats. I left home in search of adventure and heard that Wiglaf, the Atheling, was searching for willing men to join him in an attack on the isle of Leastney. He had heard that the Malan islanders had gathered men in order to […]
The Queens of the Summerlands – Hrothgar’s Tale
I was at Gefndene enjoying the hospitality of Lytelman, now Thegn Osgar, during the last week of Winterfell. Looking in a magical device during the evening, Lytelman noticed something unusual to the south of Gethenhame. By dawn the anomaly was no longer visible, but Lytelman accompanied by the Atheling Wistan and myself, set out to […]
Toad in the Hole – Wistan’s Tale
Toad Tales Which starts poorly, goes further down, but ends promisingly. Disturbing nights Even though the swirling mists of Winterfell hid the sky in the traditional manner, I came to notice that I was much aware of the the Moon in the nights following our visit to the Summer Lands of the Eotun and our […]
Toad in the Hole – Herewulf’s Lay
Stigand in Valhalla I wake up in the morning And I raise my weary head I’ve an old coat for a pillow And the earth was last night’s bed. I don’t know where I’m going Only Tiw knows where I’ve been I’m a man on the run A shield-wall fighter A candle in the […]
The Queens of the Summerlands – Wistan’s Tale
Which starts well and just gets better. (Mostly.) 1. Gifts ‘Here Wistan,’ said Lytelman, ‘This is for you as you wanted it so much. Are you going to swear to me too, now?’ Before he got my answer he handed me the rune-inscribed spear so I just smiled broadly and said, ‘No, Lytelman, thegn. I […]