Ship a-sail, ship a-sail, Wave to wave onward, Crest to crest foam-road Osgar surf-sundered “Forward the Geatish men! “Sail for the rocks!” then Into the gulley of Death Rowed nigh a hundred Eowan to right of them, Eowan to left of them, Nicor in front of them, Galdor o’er-thundered While dart and stone fell They […]
Archive | Warriors’ Tales
Thegn Osgar gives Battle – Hrothgar’s Tale
Hrothgar and the Battle with the Eowan After the attack of the Undead the Black Pig along with the Osprey, the Bluefish and the Spearhafoc sailed on down the East Coast of the island, with Wistan on lookout up the mast, relaying what he saw to Ruric on deck. Ruric was trying to determine when […]
All at Sea – Hrothgar’s Tale
Hrothgar and the Undead After a few days practice my hands did indeed seem to become habituated to rough work, so perhaps One-Foot’s remedy worked. One evening, One-Foot had everyone remove their belongings from the boat and anything he deemed surplus to requirements was discarded and everything remaining was then tidied away. This caused no […]
Preparation for War – Hrothgar’s Tale
Hrothgar and the Mustering After the events narrated in Queens of the Summerland I stayed at Gefndene for the rest of the winter. The time passed quietly as I was not lucky enough to take part in any more of the adventures that cemented Thegn Osgar’s reputation. I was however lucky enough to attend the […]
Preparation for War – Herefrith’s Lay
Men of Geatland are ready men of Geatland are steady by hearth and fire where feasts are held where mead is drunk where harp is played where tales are told songs will long be sung of Geatish deeds so bold Men of Geatland are ready men of Geatland are steady from Eowland sea-reivers came broke […]
The Long Haul – Herewulf’s Lay
To War O come ye here the fight to shun ? Or herd the sheep wi’ me man? Or were ye at Gefendene When the arrow came man ? *** Now all the district hears the call The fyrd gathers at the hall From a’ around came the hardy Wi’ bonnet, belt and swordie *** […]
The Favour – Wistan and Tohrwulf
The moon was bright but no longer full when Wistan came to speak to Tohrwulf. The camp of the Geats stirred around them, restive with anticipation of a sea voyage, with beyond it battle and rich spoil: and for those most fortunate of all, feasting with the gods . Yet quiet it was where atheling […]
A Privy Talk – Wistan
‘Osgar! Thegn! Good morning!’ ‘Hello Wistan, we haven’t seen you at this time for a while, are you back?’ ‘Yes, I think I’m released from the custody of my family for now.’ Wistan glanced around the privy, finding it empty besides himself, the thegn of Gefndene and a lone figure at the far end of […]
Osgar’s Oaths – Lytelman’s Flyting
Hear then! The song that I of myself can sing. No shame to speak of humble birth When deeds can show no moral dearth East Geat? Ever! Beast Geat? Never! Ceorl who flung the dung from stable Glad of scraps from masters table Ceorl to fetch, and ceorl to carry Reason scant by coast to […]
Osgar’s Oaths – Herewulf’s Lay
Day of the Vow The halls were decked with boughs of holly Geats were feasting, with toasting jolly When some spoke words of beer and folly – Drowning in a sea of mead. The Thegn recalls a debt unpaid Declaims his oath, never gainsaid To slay the Wose whose curse is laid – Muttering […]