
22 – Thunor’s Oak

As if repenting its mildness in the early part of winter, the weather of Aefter-Geolla was as furious as any man or woman of Gefndene could remember. The land lay so blanketed in ice and snow that keeping doors and compounds clear so that folk could mind their beasts in their byres and pens was […]

Gromscatha – Herewulf’s Lay

Crossing the Line Dark was the hour news came The rider weary, the horse lame A raging Giant, ranting spite Calls for Humfrith, asserts his right.                         ** But magic guards our border line He may not cross, must bide his time He shakes the earth with stamping feet Puts […]

Humfrith’s Tale

Once upon a time in the North Country lived a peaceful neatherd, Humfrith, and his beautiful wife, Summerwithe. He tended his cattle, milked them each day, slaughtered and restored them as required. Summerwithe would mind the bee-skeps, make cheese and butter and strong honey-mead. Humfrith traded their produce with his neighbours for what they needed […]

21 – Gromscatha

Early in the month of Aerra Geola came great wonder to the settlement of Gefnhame. For out of the winter murk and mists (the snows being uncommonly late this year) came striding figures of legend: the giant, Humfrith, with him his son, also Humfrith, his two great cattle-dogs and a huge bull-aurochs, led quite as […]

The Merleking – Wistan’s Tale

What we did on Aerra Geola days Servant No More ‘Tohrwulf, this isn’t right. I think of you as a comrade; a fellow west Geat and friend. You shouldn’t need to come to me for upkeep.’ ‘None the less, Aetheling, that is how people see us. The west Geat Aetheling arrives with his poorly equipped […]

20 – The Merleking

It is early in the month of Aerra Geola and Aetheling Wistan and his fellow West Geat Tohrwulf, decide to take advantage of the unseasonally mild weather to go a hunting. For though winter should be in full swing and the snow thick on the ground, in fact it still lies but ankle-deep and the […]

Blotmonath – Herewulf’s Lay

Blod was a gay festival indeed Our Thegn slaughtered the Ox, and the Valley’s protection was renewed. Fine feasting followed – beer foaming from every horn Red meat served on the bone, and blood-sausage piled high on every platter                 Two weeks long we feasted. A Sweon scop played music in our […]

19 – Blotmonath

It is late Blot-eve by the time Thegn Osgar-Lytelman and his companions return, weary and mud-spattered, from their pursuit of the Toad-nicor. Women chivvy them into bathtubs and lay out clean raiment, for some at least have leading roles in the celebrations to come. Gefndene is already thronging with people. Many of the valley folk […]


Tohrwulf I, fair of feature, strong in arm and deft to wield the franca in battle. I hail from Vastergotland; of the West Geats I; and come I hither in service of the aetheling Wistan Wulfinga. I am not god-born, as an aetheling is, but my father and his fathers before him are men to […]

The Wyrd of the Geats - a roleplaying game based on the world of Beowulf