
36 – Heorot

Two King’s Gesiths arrive at Chapmanshafn with six spare mounts and word that the King awaits Hrothgar at his great mead hall, Heorot. It seems it is but half a day’s ride from Chapmanshafn, but several days sail around the island. Hrothgar puts the Spearhafoc in Odard’s hands while he and his fellow Geats – […]

35 – Sambor’s Slave Pen

The Return to the Isle of the Weather Geats After negotiations with the Eowan the fleet sails back to the Isles of the Weather Geats, where ale, mead and silver flows freely, for the Geatgeld paid by the Eowan is large indeed and Beornfrith generous in disbursing it. There are great feasts and sacrifices, attended […]

33 – The Battle of the Gorge

The Eowan Host Comes Not long after the the battle at Ottenby word comes from Cuthraed Wulfinga that an Eowan host  of perhaps 1000 warriors is marching south-east from Morbylange towards Ekethorpe and Ossby.  That night all four Wulfinga Night-Wolves go forth  glean what they can of the approach of the enemy Here.  They return […]

The Wyrd of the Geats - a roleplaying game based on the world of Beowulf