It is spring when the grim tidings of Beowulf’s death come to the Isle of the Geats. With it comes the summons to a great midsummer folkmoot at Earnaness in the heart of the Geatlands, where all might agree upon a new king from amongst the atheling families of the Geats. Many Weather Geats think […]
Gefndene Map
Winterfell I – Herewulf’s Lay
Lock the door, Gefndene, lion of Winterfell, Lock the door, Gefndene, Pukels comes on. The Lething are flying, their widows are crying, Homesteads are burning and the Witch is gone! Lock the door, Gefydene, high on the weather gleam, See how the Pukel blades they gleam on the sky. Forth goes the Geat array, boldly […]
The Bear and the Nightwalker – Eawulf’s Lay
In Gethenhame comforts are good cooking, a fire, a fight well fought, and a good bed. Wounded men heal and grow hearty again spirits high, gods to please and work to do. While others venture, the Priest has duties. No glory for him today, no guts to sew, recovery, respite, praise Thunor’s might. Clean blades […]
The Bear and the Nightwalker – Herewulf’s Lay
WAITING FOR LYTLEMAN Close the door, put out the light. You know they won’t be home tonight. The rain falls hard and don’t you know? The winds of Thunor are blowing cold. They carry steel that’s bright and true To slay the night walker they go They choose the path where no-one goes. They hold […]
The Bear and the Nightwalker – Lytelman’s Lay
In wicker waits water-meat, helpless in trout trap Hungry the hunter, now tempted and thief Saexbeohrt suck-teeth at wreck of his work Spoor sought the little man, fewmets to follow Bear at bay taken and spearwise slain Wistan the warrior, of bruin the bane * Came out of cavern, the call of the wight Older […]
In the Dark of the Night – Wistan’s Lay
Word of the Goddess Dogs’ dismay / dins the darkness Gefnhame Geats / seek Gefion’s God-rede Toad tongue testing / Wistan’s wariness Wightbane woes / the warty waylayer Eawulf enters / Gefion’s geard-pool Goddess geas / “Geats: get geating” Of the Battle in Gefnhame Steading Waiting warriors / wander war-ground Gloaming fading / night on […]
In the Dark of the Night – Eawulf’s Lay
At Gefnhame the corn is gold and Thunor’s thought on harvest sought with entrails spread upon the field the Priest does peer and then proclaims. Good sun for two more weeks He grants then reap and stack, all hands to work. On Lytelman a choice is clear the call for men to gather here. But […]
Kill the Witch! – Herewulf’s Lay
The Sweon Wakes I got a Black Magic Woman. I got a Black Magic Woman. Yes, I got a Black Magic Woman, She’s got me so blind I can’t see; But she’s a Black Magic Woman and she’s trying to make a devil out of me. Don’t turn your back on me, baby. Don’t turn […]
The Witch Must Die! – Lytelman’s Lay
To the stead of Thegn Brightnoth Came a seeking small war band Lytelman the silver giver Four friends at hand Herewulf the bow-wise Eawulf Galdor Stigand the stout heart Nothgyth the Brave By boat to the wild and onward they went up narrowing gulley till marchday was spent in darkness the sentinels denizens heard and […]