Just past the Moot time
Arcenbryht called us to battle
With the sly Merfolk.
This boy led us forth
Wistan carl and brave Lytelman
Tohrwulf and Nothgyth.
On the first day’s row
Sacked Meresedge we reached
Fell sight of murder.
That night we watched
For then the foul Merlings struck
Tohrwulf laid twice low.
Lytelman and Nothgyth
Held strong and true the open door
Right well did Oswy strike.
Morning we set out
Boat and crew into the marsh
Leaving Merling dead.
Pulling thru marsh on marsh
Navigating channel by channel
Days toil stretched out.
Til then – a new sight
A mound, round standing above us
We came up on it.
And searched it out
Heard the voice of Lyra Goldentongue
But where did she stand?
There we saw a pool
Lying before whence we came
But how to enter?
In haste Tohrwulf acted
The pool deep and dark he found
Nothgyth followed him.
There she scried a path
A hidden causeway, secret way
Into the mound she swam.
And fight there was for
All of us dived one-by-one
To their watery fort.
Rash were some – as myself
Struck against three, surrounded
Good Nothgyth saved me.
Lytelman, pushed on
To find the Merman champion
Fell and strong he was.
Our hard blows he took
Before slumping, defeated
Among Meresedge dead.
We found Lyra Goldenhair
Dead too, by that Wight’s foul hand
Her singing stopped.
Meresedge’s wives also slain
But three, no five we found alive
Bitter, we came away.
Cynewulf, the East Geat